Ticketnew has come with a mind-blowing deal offering Rs 75 cashback on booking Movie tickets worth Rs 75 or more via Citrus Wallet. This means you have got your Movie tickets “Absolutely Free”. So, register now & grab the loot !!
2. Select your city
3. Register (New Users)
4. Now select movie, date, venue, time, class and no of seats and click on ” Book Ticket”.
4. Click on “Pay Now” and select “Citrus Wallet”
(i) Register for Citrus by selecting checkbox “Save my information with Citrus pay for faster checkout” to avail the “Citrus Cash Rs. 75 cash back offer”.
(ii) Fill in the rest of your details as mentioned on payment page to proceed with transaction.
(iii) Congratulations !! You have successfully availed your “Citrus Cash Rs.75 cash back offer”,
How to get the offer ?
1. Visit here2. Select your city
3. Register (New Users)
4. Now select movie, date, venue, time, class and no of seats and click on ” Book Ticket”.
4. Click on “Pay Now” and select “Citrus Wallet”
(i) Register for Citrus by selecting checkbox “Save my information with Citrus pay for faster checkout” to avail the “Citrus Cash Rs. 75 cash back offer”.
(ii) Fill in the rest of your details as mentioned on payment page to proceed with transaction.
(iii) Congratulations !! You have successfully availed your “Citrus Cash Rs.75 cash back offer”,
Terms and Condtions:-
- Cashback will be provided for Rs 75.
- This offer is valid only for Ticketnew customers paying through CitrusPay, opting to create an account with Citrus and upon completing a successful purchase transaction on Ticketnew.
- A maximum of ONE cash back per new signup can be availed and the cash back amount cannot exceed Rs.75 per transaction.
- Existing customers on Citrus Cash will not be eligible for this offer. User has to sign up for Citrus to avail the offer.
- The cash back shall be credited to Citrus Cash account by next working day after making the transaction. The customer will also receive an SMS about the cash back transfer.
- Offer is valid till 31st Oct 2015.
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