You must have known about Paytm’s most popular “Rs 5 ka Rs 10” offer. Now, Indiatimes has bang with a loot deal named “10 ka 30 offer” in collaboration with Oxigen offering flat Rs 30 cashback on buying a voucher of Rs 10 by Oxigen wallet. Hurry up and buy before deal overs !!
1 . Visit here
2. Click on “Buy now”
3. Proceed to checkout
4. Login/Register
5. Select Oxigen Wallet as payment gateway, Register for a new account and pay the sum. Thats it !!
Bingo !! You will get Rs 30 cashback in your wallet after 72 hours :)
Terms & Conditions:-
Note:- The offer is only valid for New & once per user !!
How to get Rs 30 cashback ?1 . Visit here
2. Click on “Buy now”
3. Proceed to checkout
4. Login/Register
5. Select Oxigen Wallet as payment gateway, Register for a new account and pay the sum. Thats it !!
Bingo !! You will get Rs 30 cashback in your wallet after 72 hours :)
Terms & Conditions:-
- This is a limited period offer available only on first come first serve basis.
- This offer is only applicable for new oxigen wallet users transacting for the first time.
- Amount will be automatically credited in user’s Oxigen wallet within 72 hours of purchase of the coupon.
- The user cannot replace or exchange the coupon purchased.
- Times Internet Limited/ Indiatimes Shopping and Oxigen reserves right to withdraw this offer any time without any liability.
- The cash back amount cannot be transferred to the bank.
- In case of more than 1 order per customer, all orders other than first order from single customer will be cancelled. The refund of the same will be done in 7 working days by Indiatimes Shopping.
- Any Customer Complaints/ queries related to this Cash back Offer shall be written at care@oxigenwall…om or call at 0120 – 7191010 to contact Oxigen wallet customer care.
- In addition oxigen wallet terms and conditions at…rt terms shall apply.
- This offer is subject to force majeure terms.
- In no event TIL/ Oxigen’s liability for any claims arising under this offer shall exceed the cashback amount of the claim.
- Oxigen and TIL reserves the right to amend or modify the terms of the offer anytime without any liability or withdraw the offer during the term.