MyGalaxy app- Samsung’s official app specially launched for offering exclusive offers, discounts, deals etc on various categories. Now, it has come with a superb loot deal offering Bookymyshow Winpin worth Rs 100 “Absolutely Free”. So, download now and grab your Free coupon !!
Note:- The offer is only valid for Samsung users only !!
How to get Free Bookymyshow Winpin ?
2. Open the app and Verify your number
3. Now, go to “Service tab” and Click on “Bookmyshow Movies” offer
4.Finally Click on “Get Coupon”. Thats it !!
Bingo !! You will get your Bookmyshow Coupon
To get Paytm cashback coupon, Just go to “Service tab” and Click on “Paytm cashback” offer and get the Coupon !!
How to redeem the Bookmyshow coupon ?
2. Select your movie tickets (at least 2 or more)
3. Go through the regular ticketing flow for selecting the movie, cinema and show of your choice.
4. Confirm your email id & mobile number as this information will be used to confirm your transaction. Also, enter your card details on the “Payment Options” section.
5. Check “Avail Discounts & Offers” at the top left side of the payment details page, and select “Winpin“. Enter the 16 digit Code in the text box & click on “Apply”, and you receive the INR 100 off.
6. On the payment page select suitable payment option and make the payment. Thats it !!
Terms and Conditions:-
- The value loaded on each voucher is Rs 100. So a customer can avail a maximum discount of Rs 100 on each voucher
- You will get the voucher only on First time installation
- The voucher is valid on minimum purchase of 2 tickets
- Offer exclusive only to first time ever customer on BookMyShow
- A Customer can avail the offer only once
- Validity of the voucher is 3 months
- Offer valid on BookMyShow app